Almost everyone experiences stiff muscles or bruising at some point and may spend days or even weeks in discomfort. For faster relief from muscle stiffness, bruises, or tearing, doctors can use trigger point injections.
These are hyperirritable spots on an individual’s musculoskeletal system. Following repetitive or acute trauma, these points generate pain, stressing muscle fibers in the process. A decrease in the motion of affected muscles can also result in pain in different parts of the body. Professionals use manipulative therapy, ultrasonography, and spray and stretch techniques to deactivate the trigger points.
However, trigger point injections are by far the most effective way of dealing with trigger points. These provide relief from pain within the shortest time. They contain medicines that reduce inflammation and help muscles to relax. Following an improvement in the flow of blood in the trigger point, the body begins healing itself.
The first step is identifying the trigger point. A doctor will conduct a physical examination on the patient’s muscles in search of knotted areas. MRIs and X-rays are only necessary if the trigger points are causing other underlying conditions. However, these points are not visible on these imaging technologies.
Following an injury, the doctor can administer several injections within a few weeks during a procedure that takes just 15 minutes. However, over time, the doctor can reduce the frequency of the injections and offer them at longer intervals. The frequency will also depend on the type of medicine the doctor is administering. They can even limit the procedures to once every two months. The injections are safe, and people rarely experience any serious side effects.
Although patients should wait for two to three days for the best results, pain relief following these injections is immediate. People who go through the procedure also notice a significant improvement in their capacity to accomplish various tasks. Some may go for long periods without the need to use pain medicines.
In most cases, a patient should experience instant pain relief following the treatment. However, it is common to experience some discomfort after two hours. Placing an ice pack on the area or simply taking over-the-counter pain medication can deal with the discomfort.
Before leaving the doctor's office, ask the doctor if there are any special aftercare recommendations you can consider. It is important to remain active but avoid strenuous activity during the initial days following the treatment.
The side effects of this treatment are minor, and they often go away on their own. Most of the side effects are result from drugs people take and are primarily felt at the injection site. In addition, some patients can experience:
Pooling of blood under the skin
Dimpling of the skin
For more information on trigger point injections, visit Ogden Wellness Center at our office in Ogden, Utah. You can call (801) 406-3949 today to schedule an appointment.