Chiropractic care focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of different neuromuscular disorders. The care is dependent on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.
Chiropractors use manual adjustments or spinal manipulation to treat the different conditions. Using their hands, they apply a sudden, controlled force to the spinal joint. The procedure helps improve spinal movement and enhance the body’s function.
Structural and biomechanical damage to the spine will often affect the nervous system. The treatment restores the spine’s structural integrity. It also reduces pressure on the neurological tissue. The treatment helps improve the health of the patient.
Some of the reasons for choosing this care include:
It is a non-surgical treatment
It treats different disorders affecting the nervous and musculoskeletal systems
It focuses on spinal manipulation and the treatment of the surrounding structures
It treats lower back pain, herniated disks, neck pain, and other conditions
Patients who have non-specific low back pain can also go for chiropractic care
Chiropractic treatment applies manual therapy to treat common back disorders. Spinal manipulation involves techniques that:
Improve spinal functionality
Restore range of back motion
Reduce nerve irritability
The treatment plan can also include chiropractic mobilization or low-velocity manipulation. These help increase the range of motion. Chiropractic adjustments help treat lower back pain without using medication or surgery.
Chiropractic care is very safe and effective when performed by a trained and licensed professional. Serious complications from the treatment are rare, but they can happen.
Some of the risks include a herniated disk, nerve compression in the spinal column, and a stroke. Chiropractors administer physical examinations to determine their patients' suitability for chiropractic adjustments.
Chiropractic treatment is designed to suit the patient’s needs. The chiropractor will come up with a treatment plan to suit the patient’s specific condition. The plan will consider the patient’s pain, type of disability, and activity tolerance.
A patient who is in great shape and lives an active life will have a specific treatment plan. The plan will be different for a patient who is older or less active. The chiropractor will consider the root cause of the pain when setting the plan.
During therapy, chiropractors ask their patients to sit on padded tables. These provide comfort ahead of the procedure.
The chiropractor has the necessary skills and training to apply the right level of force to the body. The therapy is safe and effective. The duration of treatment will depend on the patient.
Despite its effectiveness, chiropractors cannot treat every condition using chiropractic care. Visit a chiropractor for a consultation to find out the care suitable for your condition. The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on your situation and different factors.
For more on the benefits of chiropractic care or to schedule an appointment, call Ogden Wellness Center at our office in Ogden, Utah at (801) 406-3949 today.